Ubuntu – Ubuntu 12.10 and Gnome-Shell : can’t see nor launch apps except with Alt + F2


I've installed Ubuntu 12.10 and Gnome-Shell 3.6.

Everything worked fine till the moment I've began to customize the main menu (apps wich appears in Dash and so on).

I don't know wether I've done something wrong or if there is a bug : suddenly, the Dash became empty. My favourite docks too, except the "Show apps" button. When I activate it, there is only an empty dash, no apps showed.
The only way I can access an app is using the "Alt+F2" shortcut.
I've tried to restart gnome-shell (Alt-F2 / r) but nothing has changed…
A logout and a reboot have not changed …

Do you know how to repair the gnome-shell ?

Thanks for your help…

Best Answer

Finally, I've discovered that the problem came from Alacarte (menus). I've found the solution in the Archlinux Forum, here. It seems that Alacarte creates a ~/.config/menus folder. When deleting this folder, Gnome-Shell recoveres its usual Apps overview and the customized Favourite Ones.

Thanks a lot for your interest and answers...

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