Ubuntu – Ubuntu 12.04 Making Laptop super hot


Hello I am using Ubuntu 12.04 (dual boot with windows.)
The laptop is getting really hot and fan starts running wildly on Ubuntu even if no applications are open.Windows 7 is running absolutely fine.No heating issue
This thus lead to sudden shutdown of laptop

Laptop Dell Studio 15 R RAM-4gb intel i5 processor

Graphic Card ATI Radeon 0.5 gb

Ubuntu Disk Space-20 gb

I searched the forum but and concluded either its a kernel problem or graphic problem
I think may be its a graphic issue and hereby i attach an image which i think may be useful.Do I need to install this drivers?

Link:Additional Driver Settings

What can be the reason and how can i solve the heating issue?

Best Answer

It's your GPU. By default, you are using the open-source ATI driver, which does not have any power saving options on after a clean install.

You have two choices:
1) Install the proprietary driver.
2) Add power saving to the open-source one.

1) Is easy. Go to the "Hardware Drivers" manager. Install your drivers.
2) Not much harder.

I'll copy out the main parts.
Open up a Terminal.
# sudo su
# echo dynpm > /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method

This will instantly lower the temperature, and power consumption.
Should be noticeable after a while. Check if it works. If it does,
read the corresponding answer.