Ubuntu 18.04 Live CD – ‘Try Ubuntu’ Crashes in 18.04 Live CD


I'm trying to run a live version of Ubuntu 18.04 but as soon as I click on "Try Ubuntu" the mouse' cursor disappears and the system gets stuck.

I tryed to click install and then exit, I was able to move the window and I saw a standard "ubuntu has experienced an internal error", but as I click continue another popup appears, telling me a live desktop would be launched and then the system gets stuck like before.

My clevo P640RE laptop:

  • i7-6700HQ
  • 8GB ram
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 970M
  • Intel Wireless 8260

Best Answer

I solved this issue thanks to @sudodus.
For others with the same problem, while booting Ubuntu 18.04 press F6. A menu will appear with different options, pressing F6 and e you could edit the boot options, just add nomodeset before quiet splash and press enter.

Once installed you can install proprietary drivers to use the dedicated graphic card.