Ubuntu – Trouble installing Ubuntu for dual boot along with Windows 10. The installation type table is empty


Having trouble installing Ubuntu for dual boot along with Windows 10. The installation type table is empty. I have secure boot, hibernation, fast boot disabled, partitioned 20GB for Ubuntu as well. Nothing seems to fix it.

Best Answer

I had the same problem and most of the guides I read highlighted the need to disable fast boot and secure boot. Despite disabling both settings neither the installer nor GParted would list any of the partitions from the disk on my laptop.

The Ubuntu 17.10 not recognising a partition set aside for Linux (dual-boot with windows 10) thread discusses RAID controllers vs AHCI and initially (through my own ignorance) I discounted it as I associated RAID with multiple-disk setups.

I did discover though when looking through the UEFI Settings that the SATA controller mode was Intel RST Premium, which as I understand offers software RAID.

If you find the same then please proceed with the instructions below.

High-level the steps are:

  1. Switch the controller to AHCI.
  2. Ensure Windows has the correct drivers.
  3. Install Ubuntu.

This article outlines the process SOLUTION: Switch Windows 10 from RAID/IDE to AHCI operation, but in summary:

  1. Switch Windows to safe mode by running bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal from the cmd prompt as an Administrator.
  2. Restart into the UEFI settings and change the controller to AHCI instead of Intel RST Premium.
  3. Restart and ensure Windows boots (in safe mode).
  4. Disable safe mode by running bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot (again as an Administrator).
  5. Restart again to ensure Windows starts with the AHCI drivers.

After this start the Ubuntu installer (as previously) and it should list your drives (hopefully offering the "Install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager" option).

Some more reading about Intel RST here:

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