Ubuntu – Tried to follow the EC2 Juju guide and it fails

amazon ec2juju

I am evaluating Juju and when following the very basic tutorial https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/getting-started.html, literally following every single instruction to a T, all I end up when trying to bootstrap is this error:

ubuntu@ip-xxx:~$ juju bootstrap
2013-04-03 22:10:48,016 INFO Bootstrapping environment 'sample'
    (origin: ppa type: ec2)...
2013-04-03 22:10:48,494 ERROR Bootstrap aborted because file storage
    is not writable: Error Message: Access Denied

Am I missing something? The user for which I entered the access key information has all permissions except the ability to modify IAM.

Right now, Juju is not looking so promising if I can't even get the basic tutorial to work. I started out with AMI: ubuntu/images/ebs/ubuntu-precise-12.04-amd64-server-20130325

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The issue is the identity/account you're using doesn't have access to the s3 bucket that's configured as the control bucket. You can try changing the bucket to something unique. The s3 bucket names must be globally unique (not owned by another account). Alternatively your IAM account may not have read/write access to S3.

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