Ubuntu – Thunderbird Lightning: Show only the future days


I just want to see the next days in thunderbird/lightning.

I could not find a configuration option to show the calendar with only the next days ahead.

I made a big red cross over the days I don't care about. Instead I want to see more days ahead.


Is there a way to get to this goal?

Best Answer

That Week View is displaying Calendar start from Start of the Week day that you can manually change/configure that for Thunderbird/Lightning Calendar from the following configuration path. But to keeping Today's day at first you should do this everyday!!

Edit menu --> Preferences; under Calendar tab click Views; then change the "Start the week on:" to today's week day!!

But below is a workaround with sed command which it does the same "Change Start the week on:" for today's week day.

sed -n -e '/^user_pref(\"calendar.week.start\", .);/!p' \
       -e "$ a\user_pref(\"calendar.week.start\", $(date +%u));" \
-i /home/$USER/.thunderbird/????????.default/prefs.js

Now you can add this script into the Thunderbird's .desktop file to execute it every time you launch Thunderbird in below path.


Or you can simply run it via crontab everyday at 00:00AM to change it to today's week day! Open to edit with crontab -e in Terminal.

0 0 * * * sed ... 

Since this changes Start the week day to Today's Day every-time, so in Calendar it will show the Week start from Today.

Hope it helps!

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