Ubuntu – Thinkfan on Thinkpad T410 – thinkpad_acpi doesn’t seem to support fan_control


I try to run thinkfan.
I installed it and configured it.
But if i do this i get an error.

chris@chris-ThinkPad-T410:~$ sudo thinkfan -n

WARNING: Using default temperature inputs in /proc/acpi/ibm/thermal.
Config as read from /etc/thinkfan.conf:
Fan level   Low High
 0      0   42
 1      40  47
 2      45  52
 3      50  57
 4      55  62
 5      60  67
 6      65  72
 7      70  77
 127        75  32767
Module thinkpad_acpi doesn't seem to support fan_control

How to solve this?

Best Answer

I was using the instructions here: http://x220.mcdonnelltech.com/ubuntu/ and was thus missing the driver option expermental=1 in my /etc/modprobe.d/thinkfan.conf file - which seems to be needed to get this working as expected.

Do the following:

sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/thinkfan.conf

There should be a line

options thinkpad_acpi fan_control=1

change it to

options thinkpad_acpi experimental=1 fan_control=1

Reboot your computer so the changes take effect.

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