Ubuntu – thesql_config_editor not included in MySQL APT Repository


I've installed MySQL from MySQL APT Repository. Now I want to run "mysql_config_editor" to encrypt my .mylogin.cnf, but it displays:

The program 'mysql_config_editor' is currently not installed. To run 'mysql_config_editor' please ask your administrator to install the package 'mysql-client-5.6'

I could install mysql-client-5.6, but then it uninstalls my MySQL APT Repository packages and replaces with older, "Ubuntu original" packages.

Can I just extract mysql_config_editor binary from mysql-client-5.6 deb package, or maybe it's not a good idea? And why this binary isn't in MySQL APT Repository?

Best Answer

The easiest way:

apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev