Dbmail Package Not Found – How to Resolve Missing Dbmail Package Issue


where is dbmail?

[Binary packages]

Most major distros already have packages for dbmail. Ubuntu, Debian,
Fedora en Gentoo are known to do so. So check your package manager.

From the console:

thufir@dur:~$ aptitude search dbmail

Is there a better way to find dbmail?

Hmm, I do see that it's available for Hardy, but not for oneiric which I see. Has it been replaced? Is there an alternate?

Ok, clicked on the link and see:

enter image description here

However, I don't think that I can install it, I'm getting a message:

Not found.  
There isn't a sofware package called "dbmail" in your current software sources.

Best Answer

It looks like dbmail was Removed from this repository. So you can download it from Here. Download the latest, and install it. For help in installing it This will help.

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