How to Restore Disappeared System Settings Icon


The systems settings icon, i.e., the gear wheel in the screenshot here with yellow circle suddenly disappeared. I have no more information to offer because it just suddenly disappeared. How to restore it? You can just tell me its name or command line instruction to restore it, I know I can drag and drop it. I just don't know its name, I tried control panel or system settings, but couldn't find it. Thanks.

Best Answer

  1. Click on the top-left icon ("the dash")

    Dash icon

  2. Type System Settings

  3. Click the sole remaining icon:

    System settings icon

  4. and it'll re-appear!
  5. To "lock" it permanently to the "launcher" again,

    1. Right click its icon on the launcher
    2. Click Lock to Launcher.

Alternatively, click the tiny gears icon in the top right of the screen, and then choose System Settings and stop worrying that the other icon is gone! ;-)

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