Ubuntu – the equivalent of locales-all from Debian


On Debian, I can have a package depend on locales-all to ensure that all locales are installed/available. There is no such package in Ubuntu.

It used to have belocs-locales-* which appeared to do the same; alternatively, one could depend on various localisation packs (e.g. just de+en+fr for most of Western Europe, which is of limited use; sometimes, software does in fact require all standard locales). These packages disappeared between hardy and precise, AFAICT.

So, what Ubuntu package can I Depends on to have all locales available?

Edit: this is not the same as the locales package, which merely provides data files needed to generate the locales; merely installing the locales-all package in Debian makes those locales available immediately, and all of them. (It contains a pack, in recent versions, saving much space too.) This way, the user does not have a knob in which they can (accidentally) disable necessary locales.

Best Answer

I found the following solution on https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Table_of_locales

   sudo ln -s /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED /var/lib/locales/supported.d/all
   sudo locale-gen