Ubuntu – The best cgmanager alternative for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS


I was using package cgmanager to automatically manage processes into memory cgroups in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS environment.

However, I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 and package cgmanager is no longer available. Is there any known good alternative?

Background info: It seems that cgmanager was removed because it cannot live nicely with systemd (bug 1649310).

Best Answer

According to comment 20 in bug 1649310 cgmanager was removed because it has been replaced by systemd. I guess cgmanager was removed also because it conflicts too hard with systemd as documented in Debian bug 761389.

Some history about systemd and cgmanager can be found at LWN article about cgroups. According to that, Lennart Poettering does not want to support running systemd with any other cgroup manager (such as cgmanager).

So the answer seems to be one needs to convert any cgmanager configuration one has into systemd configuration. Unfortunately I cannot find any info about how to do that so probably the only way is to start reading systemd documentation and restart from the scratch.