Ubuntu – Take user name as input: if user is logged in, display running processes belonging to the user


I want to write a script that takes the name of a user as command line input. If that user is logged in then it will display the processes the user is running. If he/she is not logged in, then the script should mention this.

My attempt is not working:

echo "Who are you?"
read user
echo $user
if[$user == $name]
  top -u $user
  echo "not logged in"

Best Answer

You can use the who -u command to list the users who are logged in. Then you could use grep to look for a specific user in the output, and exit with success if found, or exit with failure otherwise.


read -p 'Enter username to check: ' user
if who -u | grep -q "^$user "; then
    top -u "$user"
    echo "User $user is not logged in"

(Thanks to @dessert for shortening the who -u | ... part!)

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