Ubuntu – Tablet mode for Hp x360 Laptops


Hp x360 Laptops have a hinge screen that can turn 360 degrees to become like a tablet.

In windows when you turn the screen it detects it and enters "Tablet Mode".


  • Screen rotates
  • Keyboard and touch-pad are disabled
  • therefore it shows on-screen keyboard whenever input is required

…at least those are what I care about. I'm looking for software that can do this.

I tried Magick Rotation but no results at all sadly. Any ideas?

Preferably I need some "ready-to-install" software. (In contrast with long scripts and configuration). I've already spent a whole day running after Magick Rotation. I'm sad :'(

Best Answer

I have an HP Pavilion 13 x360 and I have the same issues as you have. Currently, there is no official 'tablet mode' support nor is there even proper touch UI support in Ubuntu/Unity. Unity 8 is supposed to bring those features.

Until then, stick with Chrome and maybe check out this thread: Switch into tablet mode (in Gnome)

(albeit in gnome)