Ubuntu – system folder does not exist in /usr/lib/systemd


I am new to ubuntu and using ubuntu 16.04. i want to create a unit file. I know i have to create it under /usr/lib/systemd/system , but there is no folder named system in my systemd folder. I would be very thankful to know what to do

Best Answer

Ubuntu has not completed the /usr merge yet, so many configuration files, including systemd units, are actually in /lib, not /usr/lib. However, they don’t always update the manpages to account for this.

That said, if you’re writing your own unit file you should not place it in /usr/lib or /lib anyways – that directory belongs to the package manager. Your (the system administrator’s) custom configuration belongs in /etc (/etc/systemd/system/), or possibly in your home directory if it’s a user unit specific to your user.