Ubuntu – step by step how to install office 2007 into a 32bit wine prefix


i am very new to Ubuntu, and after exploring the different flavors i have chosen Xubuntu 14.04 lst. I am trying to install office 2007 with wine, but ran into the known bugs of running 32bit applications within 64bit wine.

I have read the how to's on creating a 32bit wine prefix, but i haven't found any thing on how to actually preform the install into this newly created 32bit prefix.

Could you provide a step by step on how to preform this office 2007 install into a 32bit prefix?

i am comfortable using the terminal, i simply do not have enough experience using linux yet.

Thank you in advance

Best Answer

Test this:

  1. Open a terminal,

    Press Ctrl+Alt+T

  2. Run it:

    $ sudo -i

    # apt-get update

    # apt-get install wine winetricks

    # exit

    $ sh winetricks msxml3 dotnet20 gdiplus riched20 riched30 vcrun2005sp1

  3. Enter Wine Configuration

    Click Libraries tab

    Add riched20

    Select it and click edit.

    Choose built in then native.

  4. Go to Microsoft Office 2007 and open setup.exe.

  5. If launching an application seems to freeze on the splash screen, try pres the enter key.

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