Ubuntu – Starting Steam games by typing the path – where are they

command linesteam

I use/./usr/bin/applicationname to launch programs using terminal, but steam games (and steam) don't show up in it, although I can put a steam game in my favorite applications list. Is there any way to find it?

Best Answer

Steam games are installed by default in directories under /home/<user>/.steam/steam/steamapps/common, where <user> is your username. For example, if you have Europa Universalis IV installed, you can start it from the terminal using /home/<user>/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Europa\ Universalis\ IV/eu4.

The Steam binary is located by default at /usr/games/steam. It should be in your $PATH (the shell variable defining the places that the shell searches for binaries), so you can find it using which steam and you can run it by simply entering steam.

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