Ubuntu – SSH + Keys + noip


I'm hoping you guys can help. I've been searching for along time with reading the information on noip.com and couldn't figure out anything.

I've set up an SSH server on a home computer. I changed the port # in sshd_config and forwarded my port number to the router. I can connect to my sever fine if I am on the same network as the server (using ssh -p port# me@private.ip) and can connect fine from a different net work using (ssh -p12xx me@public.ip).

I have setup an noip account and have attained a host-id "me.ddns.net". downloaded the noip-DUC updater to update my ip address. My question, when i tried to ssh -p port# me.ddsn.net (my host name on noip doesn't use the @ symbol), I got a error Permission Denied (public key). To be clear, I can still connect to my server fine using the private ip and the public ip, just not via the host name from noip. As I've mentioned, I do use ssh-keys and have disabled password prompt. Do I need to configure an ssh-key for noip or upload my ssh-keys to noip? I've only been messing with SSH for 24 hours and is very unexperienced. I appreciate everyone's advice.

Thank you.

Best Answer

First of all, You NEVER upload your private keys to anywhere.

Let's get this right.

  • Server is running ssh_d service on a different port (12xx)
  • You forwarded 12xx port on your router to the server.
  • You can connect if you are on the same network using ssh -p 12xx user@server.ip
  • You can connect if you are on another network using ssh -p 12xx user@noip.address
  • Both connections you are using the same origin box (i assume laptop)

Please verify this so we can help you troubleshoot your issue.

Just to give you a heads up since you claimed this is your first time playing with ssh. You need to use the "@" to connect if you are running locally with a different username than the one you want to use on the server. This is:

usernameA [laptop] ---> ssh ---> usernameA [server]

In that case, you would use:

ssh -p 12xx youraddres.no-ip

If you use different usernames, then you have to specify it by using "@". So if this is the case:

usernameA [laptop] ---> ssh ---> usernameB [server]

You should use:

ssh -p 12xx usernameB@youraddres.no-ip
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