Ubuntu – SSH and ufw from multiple ip addresses


ufw commands

I'm interested in setting up some basic security on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS that I'm working on. I'm reading through these articles:

I'm reading the section about ufw now. I'm going to be connecting from variable IP addresses via ssh. Given this requirement, what should I set the first line in the screenshot to, to make sure I retain access?

Best Answer

I'm a bit confused about the title, but to answer your question

I'm going to be connecting from variable ip addresses via ssh. Given this requirement what should I set the first line in the screenshot to, to make sure I retain access?

sudo ufw allow 22 or even sudo ufw allow OpenSSH will open up port 22 to the world.

I didn't look at your links, but I hope they also suggest using keys instead of password login.

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