Ubuntu – Split Stereo USB Audio Interface Line In to Two Mono Devices


I have a 3rd generation Scarlett 2i2 USB Audio Interface. It has two inputs and two outputs. The two inputs are treated as stereo mics by default. Settings -> Sound -> Input shows one device: "Analog Input – Scarlett 2i2 USB". However, I want to have the two inputs to be separated so I can pick either one in an app.

For example, in Firefox, when something wants to use the mic, I can choose the 2i2 and both inputs will be used. I want to be able to send either the left or the right input to an app, but not both.

How would I change Pulse / Alsa so that the Audio Interface is split into two Virtual Input Devices, one with the left input, one with the right?

Best Answer

Yes, you can do it. Thanks to ductility of pulseaudio you can manage input and output, source and sink of your sound card of your applications.

I do not know any already-done example/exercise, so you have to deal with it (at least start) by yourself.

As @CL stated above, this is a great source to start with. Here another useful place.

Finally, I suggest some GUIs: pavucontrol and paprefs, that can help you in this trip.

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