Ubuntu – sort command : -g versus -n flag

command line

What's the difference between using the sort command with -g and -n?

I have tried both flags with ls -la and the output was identical.

The man-page says that -g "compares according to general numerical value" and -n "compares according to string numerical value" ?

I don't get what they mean there.

What does "general numerical value" mean? What does "string numerical value" mean?

Best Answer

From sort info page, sort -g is explained by these

     Sort numerically, converting a prefix of each line to a long
     double-precision floating point number.  *Note Floating point::.
     Do not report overflow, underflow, or conversion errors.  Use the
     following collating sequence:

        • Lines that do not start with numbers (all considered to be
        • NaNs (“Not a Number” values, in IEEE floating point
          arithmetic) in a consistent but machine-dependent order.
        • Minus infinity.
        • Finite numbers in ascending numeric order (with -0 and +0
        • Plus infinity.

     Use this option only if there is no alternative; it is much slower
     than ‘--numeric-sort’ (‘-n’) and it can lose information when
     converting to floating point.

sort -n is the natural sort we usually expect

     Sort numerically.  The number begins each line and consists of
     optional blanks, an optional ‘-’ sign, and zero or more digits
     possibly separated by thousands separators, optionally followed by
     a decimal-point character and zero or more digits.  An empty number
     is treated as ‘0’.  The ‘LC_NUMERIC’ locale specifies the
     decimal-point character and thousands separator.  By default a
     blank is a space or a tab, but the ‘LC_CTYPE’ locale can change

     Comparison is exact; there is no rounding error.

     Neither a leading ‘+’ nor exponential notation is recognized.  To
     compare such strings numerically, use the ‘--general-numeric-sort’
     (‘-g’) option.

Check Steeldriver's answer for a better explanation.