Fonts Japanese – Fixing Archaic Character Usage in Applications


I just installed Natty from scratch with default options and English UI. I did not change any font settings.

I happen to also read Japanese, it mostly displays fine but the 社 character (meaning "company", a widely-used character) is sometimes displayed using its archaic form, which can not be seen anymore except in temples and old places.

So why use it in Ubuntu? I guess it is a bug with this font? How to fix it?

See below, green-circled is good, red-circled is bad:
Natty old kanji


  • Only Firefox and Libre Office seem to display the character properly.
  • This character used to show fine on older Ubuntus, but on the contrary the "直" had the same problem at that time, and it is solved now.

Best Answer

Fire up terminal by

Ctrl + Alt + T

Install ttf-vlgothic by

 sudo apt-get install ttf-vlgothic

Logout and log back in if you need.

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