Ubuntu – “Software selection” step failure during Ubuntu 16.04 server installation

16.04hpserversoftware installation

I am installing Ubuntu 16.04 server on a new HPE ML150 hardware. After the installation finishes copying files it prompts for installing additional software.

Software selection

What ever I choose at this step, the installation reports failure and prompts me to choose which step of installation to continue from.

enter image description here

Note that I was installing from a USB which I created using Startup Disk Creator in Ubuntu desktop.

Looking at the virtual terminal during this step, it seems that it is trying to get the packages from the CD-ROM rather from the internet. I assume that the internet connection works because in a previous step where it tries to figure the timezone by connecting on a timeserver, works fine.

Best Answer

  • Press Alt+F2 to enter the BusyBox shell
  • Change directory to /target/etc/apt:

    cd /target/etc/apt
  • Copy sources.list.apt-setup to sources.list:

    cp sources.list.apt-setup sources.list
  • Edit sources.list:

    nano sources.list

    Comment out the line beginning with deb cdrom so it looks like this:

    # deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-...
  • Upgrade packages:

    chroot /target apt-get update
    chroot /target apt-get upgrade
  • Press Alt+F1 to return to the installer, and start Software Selection

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