Ubuntu – Snaps suddenly missing from Launcher and PATH


All of my snaps that used to be available on the command line and in my launcher are suddenly missing, despite still being installed and enabled:

➜ snap list
Name                    Version                  Rev   Developer     Notes
auryo                   1.4.3                    10    snapcrafters  -
clion                   2017.3.3                 6     jetbrains     classic
core                    16-2.30                  3887  canonical     core
gnome-3-26-1604         3.26.0                   27    canonical     -
inkscape                0.92.2                   3080  inkscape      -
intellij-idea-ultimate  2017.3.4                 23    jetbrains     classic
kde-frameworks-5        5.42.0                   16    kde           -
minetest                0.4.16                   7     snapcrafters  -
peek                    1.2.2                    711   phw           -
pycharm-professional    2017.3.3                 47    jetbrains     classic
spotify         5     spotify       -
supertuxkart            0.9.3                    2     diddledan     -
webstorm                2017.3.4                 10    jetbrains     classic

They worked just yesterday, and all I've changed is my default shell (zsh now, instead of bash). My PATH variable is exactly the same and there is nothing missing from my .zshrc that is present in my .bashrc that could affect this as far as I can tell.

How do I get my snaps accessible again?

Best Answer

You're hitting this snap bug:


A workaround is to explicitly source /etc/profile.d/apps-bin-path.sh in your .zshrc or .zshenv.

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