Ubuntu – Snap library removing (gir1.2-snapd-1, libsnapd-glib1, libsnappy1v5, libsnappy1v5:i386) with dependencies


My system is Ubuntu-Mate 20.04 and i was install via snap some apps.
Now i decide to remove snaps from my system but i have problem with dependencies.
If try to remove gir1.2-snapd-1 Synaptic inform me that will remove also:


My worries are if remove ubuntu-mate-core & ubuntu-mate-desktop will not crash my system?

Best Answer

Some risk, depending upon how your system was built. But you can mitigate that risk.

Advice: Do not remove the gir1.2-snapd-1 deb package for three reasons:

1) Leaving it shouldn't do anything harmful. Without snapd installed, this package might generate a few application errors since the introspected functions don't actually exist without snapd installed. If this bothers you, then go right ahead and delete the gir1.2-snapd-1 deb package.

2) Removing the depending packages will degrade your ability to control the package manager using desktop features:


Of course, if you don't use any of those features then go right ahead and delete the gir1.2-snapd-1 deb package. It's your system.

3) Removing the depending ubuntu-mate-core and ubuntu-mate-desktop may make other desktop packages eligble for autoremoval.

This is the part that might trash your system. Read your apt output carefully before agreeing to any future removals or autoremovals. This is mostly a risk for folks who build their system up from a minimal .iso or install the desktop environment using apt. If your desktop does vanish, simply apt install those metapackages again.

Folks who installed the desktop directly using a Desktop install .iso are NOT at risk; the desktop packages are individually apt-marked to prevent precisely this kind of mistake. Go right ahead and delete the gir1.2-snapd-1 deb package.