Ubuntu – Slow Wireless Reconnect After Suspend


I a Broadcom 4312 using the STA drivers, I reinstalled ubuntu because the b43 drivers were giving me a huge hassle along with some weird kernel issues.

My wireless speed is fine, everything works well, except upon restart of computer and after taking the computer out of suspend. It takes about 30-45 seconds for the wireless to reconnect, and I think it is a driver issue (I clicked on the network manager at the top and for about 30 seconds there are no wireless networks listed.)

I tried this advice already: http://lilserenity.wordpress.com/2007/10/31/fix-ubuntu-dropping-wireless-on-suspendhibernate-resume/
which basically says to change this:




in the file


This did not help anything. Something to note is that the issue does not occur when I am logging back in after already logging in once and logging out.

Best Answer

The following woked for me on an Asus x50N. Cheers




in the file /etc/default/acpi-support

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