Ubuntu – Slow Ubuntu Booting



It takes too much to start Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS 32-bit (7 minutes after the Grub screen).

Problem description

  1. I turn on the PC
  2. 1 minute after the Grub screen appears
  3. Once selected Ubuntu as the operative system it starts the process of loading the OS.
  4. 7 minutes later, the login screen of Ubuntu appears.
  5. Once Ubuntu starts, everything works 100%

Computer description

  • Laptop ACER Aspire 5542-5770
  • CPU: AMD Turion II X2 M500 – 2.2GHz, 1MB L2 Cache
  • Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4200 Graphics up to 1919 MB HyperMemory
  • RAM: 4 Gb
  • Hard drive: 320 Gb (/dev/sdb)
  • Ubuntu is not installed in the laptop hard drive, it's installed in a portable hard drive connected through USB.

External hard drive Toshiba 500 Gb (/dev/sda)

  • /dev/sda1 – ext2 – /boot – 2 Gb
  • /dev/sda2 – ext4 – / – 50 Gb
  • /dev/sda3 – extended
    • /dev/sda5 – linux-swap – 2 Gb
    • /dev/sda6 – ext4 – /home – 172 Gb
  • Free – 240 Gb

Records from boot are useless. All the records start 30 seconds before Ubuntu starts, meaning that they start 6 minutes and 30 seconds after the Grub screen.

Solutions tested (It didn't work)

  • /etc/default/grub: I tried modifying this line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""
  • I tried using all this parameters: splash – quiet – noapic – nolapic – acpi=noirq

None of this makes a change at all.

I am also sending all the reports, and it must be taken into account that I turned on the computer at 22:00.

Logs on pastebin.org or on drive.google.com (original link)

Bootchart Image on imgur.com or on drive.google.com (original link)


It is not a problem of USB speed. In another computer it tooks less than one minute to start, so the problem is my Laptop.

Best Answer

Have you tried bootchart (check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BootCharting ) which will show you all the steps in the boot process and will help you locate where the delays are.

EDIT: apologies for not reading the post fully...saw your bootchart diagram but unfortunately it only shows up only 60s worth of info. You may want to check beyond the 60s to see which process is holding things up.

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