Ubuntu – Skype loses focus when changing keyboard layout with ALT+SHIFT


This happens only in Skype on Ubuntu 18.04. I have used Skype on other platforms (Ubuntu and others) and this does not happen.
I use ALT+SHIFT to switch keyboard layout to another language. When I use Skype on Ubuntu 18.04 and press ALT+SHIFT the language is changed but also the focus is moved to the application menu (as if I had pressed ALT only).

Any help is welcome!

Best Answer

I guess the way you have set-up your ALT+SHIFT shortcut is via gnome-tweak-tool?

If that's the case - I have the same issue with slack, after some digging found out that there is another way to change the keyboard layout w/o using gnome-tweak-tool which wont cause this side effect of losing the focus.

The solution is to use gsettings as explained here

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-input-source "['<Shift>Alt_L']"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-input-source-backward "['<Alt>Shift_L']"

UPDATE: As mentioned in the comments, make sure to also uncheck the ALT+SHIFT shortcut from gnome-tweak-tool.

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