Ubuntu – Show current folder size in Nautilus

file sizefilemanagernautilus

I would like to know if it's possible to display the current folder size (in MB or GB) in Nautilus at the status bar.

Here's a screenshot:


as you can see, (in this case) I have 7 items, and I have 125.7 GB left. I would like to display:

7 Items, Folder size: 412 MB, Free space: 125.7 GB

Is it possible? If so how?

Best Answer

The reason this information is not in the statusbar is probably because it requires a lot of disk reading to find the disk usage of a directory. Consider opening /. It'll have to recursively traverse the entire filesystem in order to find the disk usage. The ammount of free space on the other hand, is very quick to retrieve since each filesystem keeps track of this.

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