Ubuntu – Should I install Ubuntu 32-bit or 64-bit on a Dell Inspiron Mini 1012 netbook


My machine is a dell inspiron mini 1012,it has a 1 gb memory. I have installed ubuntu 11.10 on it, but it works very slow. now I want to install 12.04 and I want to know which configuration is better for my computer according with its memory, 32 bits or64 bits. I only want my computer to work faster.
I dont know if this information is enough , if you want more info tell me.

Best Answer

For a 1GB system, the best to do is install the 32 Bit version, unless you want to upgrade your system memory in the near future. The 32 Bit works better with most of low memory systems. Plus, you'll get better memory performance from a 32-bit version.

I would recommend 32bit.

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