Ubuntu – Shift+F2 is ignored when using byobu with PuTTY (Windows 7)


Connecting to byobu in Ubuntu 12.04.1 (precise) from PuTTY on a Windows 7 system, when I type Shift+F2 to get a vertical split, nothing happens. Typing plain F2 works and opens a new window.

I tried all the terminal keyboard types in PuTTY configuration (ex. XTerm R2, Linux) without any luck. Any ideas? Is there nay another keyboard shortcut to do the same thing?

Best Answer

I'm using Putty 0.73 on windows 10 (1903) connecting to Ubuntu 18.04 and byobu 5.125 and tmux 2.6.

I set Putty->Terminal->Keyboard->"Function keys and keypad" to Xterm R6. This solves some problems but not the Shift-F2 issue.

Can't find any further method of changing Putty key bindings.

I'll investigate changing byobu key bindings. Any other help on using Putty with Ubuntu and byobu?