Shell Scripts – Shell Script to Toggle Between Two Commands


I need help creating a shell script to toggle between two commands.
When it is run command1 is executed then if it is run again it executes command2 and so on…

Best Answer

One good way of accomplishing this is for the script to create a blank "configuration file":

  • The 1st time the script runs, it sees the file doesn't exist, creates it, and runs command1.
  • The 2nd time the script runs, it sees the file does exist, deletes it, and runs command2.
  • The 3rd time the script runs, it sees the file doesn't exist, creates it, and runs command1.
  • The 4th time the script runs, it sees the file does exist, deletes it, and runs command2.

And so forth.

Here's a script that does that:

# This shell script is PUBLIC DOMAIN. You may do whatever you want with it.


if [ ! -e $TOGGLE ]; then
    touch $TOGGLE
    rm $TOGGLE