Ubuntu – Shell script file (.sh) does not run, and throws an error

bashcommand linescripts

I am new to Linux, and I have a shell script (.sh) file I on my Desktop that I want to run.

This is the content of the test.sh file on my Desktop directory:

echo "test"

I want to run (execute) test.sh through the terminal. These are the commands that I'm using:

cd Desktop

I give permission to run test.sh with:

chmod +x test.sh

and then try to open the file:


But I get this error:

test.sh: command not found

and when I enter test.sh with ./, I again get this error:

bash: ./test.sh: bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

bash: ./test.sh: bin/bash: bad interpreter: No such file or directory





bin/bash is a path relative to the current directory. /bin/bash is an absolute path that works whatever the current directory is.

Also, have a look at your PATH:

echo $PATH

If you place test.sh in any directory listed there and you will will be able to execute it without the ./ or other path specifier. Many people create a $HOME/bin directory, place all their scripts there, and add it to their PATH.

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