Ubuntu – Setup custom window snapping in Ubuntu


I recently purchased an ultrawide monitor, and I'm using it with Ubuntu.

Unity comes by default with a way to snap things into the corners or half the screen, but I'd like a to be able to split my screen into 1/3s side by side. Also, in general I'd like to be able to customize the snapping easily, so I could change to say, four apps side by side if desired.

I've looked but It doesn't seem like a common issue and thus, there are few tutorials on it.

Does anyone know how this can be accomplished?

Best Answer

For managing multiple apps/ windows, it's always good to use a tiling window manager instead of the regular desktop.

Tiling window manager Wiki

Consider trying, Awesome Window Manager

Very much customizable, guaranteed improvements in productivity.

enter image description here

Here is the Overview youtube link.

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