Ubuntu – Server AMI images don’t allow a user to login multiple times

amazon ec2byobucloud-initcommand lineserver

When I log into twice to a new instance of Ubuntu server built for Amazon EC2, both windows will be exactly the same. Anything I type in one is replicated in the other.

I never dealt with this when I built the image myself. Does anyone know about this? I normally like to have a few putty windows open logged into the terminal of my servers.

Best Answer

When you launch an instance in EC2 you have the option of supplying "user data" which is available to the instance at first boot (and later.) Ubuntu consumes the user data with a program called cloud-init, which is incredibly powerful.

You can disable byobu using the user-friendly cloud-config feature of cloud-init.

To disable byobu all you have to do is supply this two-line user data:

byobu_by_default: disable

Full details about cloud-init here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CloudInit

Cloud-config syntax, including all the other amazing things you can do with it, here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/doc/examples/cloud-config.txt