Seahorse – No Longer Provides Passwords for Skype, Enigmail, and Nextcloud


I am using Ubuntu 16.04. I am using Skype, Thunderbird with Enigmail and Nextcloud. This three applications have passwords stored by Seahorse and when you enter them once, you don't have to reenter them.

But I don't know why, one morning these three applications were asking me again passwords. And they do each time that I restart now.

Do you have an idea why? It is boring to reenter passwords at each restart, do you know a way to debug this? I'll be glad to provide more information, but right now, I don't know which ones.


Details about the packages:

  • nextcloud-client from this ppa: ppa:nextcloud-devs/client
  • Skype for Linux Beta
  • Enigmail version 1.9.7 integrated to Thunderird 52.2.1 (Using gpg executable /usr/bin/gpg2 to encrypt and decrypt)

The current version of Seahorse is 3.18.0. When I open it there is no password section, that's maybe a hint. I don't know.


pgrep -afu "$USER" 'keyring|agent'

1602 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login
5235 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --daemonize --login
5379 gpg-agent --homedir /home/paul/.gnupg --use-standard-socket --daemon
5621 /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1

printenv | grep -e KEYRING -e AGENT


Thank you very much.

Best Answer

I have found the solution, the question is related to this bug:

The fix is to execute sudo apt autoremove --purge dbus-user-session.

dbus-user-session is installed automatically with flatpak.