Ubuntu – Screen sharing under wayland


Has anyone got screensharing working under wayland using pipewire?

As far as I can tell, it should be possible to share the screen from Chrome / Chromium after installing the pipewire package and adding your user to the audio and video groups. Except that Chrom(e|ium) is still using libpipewire0.2 and Groovy only ships with libpipewire0.3.

Bonus points if you've made slack work.

"Switch back to Xorg" is not a viable answer here. Various things (notably pen input) don't work correctly (in my configuration, anyway) in Xorg and are not going to any time soon.

Best Answer

You can install this package manually but you will have to check for updates manually here.

First, download the deb file (assuming you are using the amd64 version of Ubuntu):

wget 'http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/pipewire/libpipewire-0.2-1_0.2.7-1_amd64.deb'

Then, install the package:

sudo apt install ./libpipewire-0.2-1_0.2.7-1_amd64.deb

Since libpipewire0.3 uses a totally different set of files, there should be no conflict.

Again, you will have to manually check for updates. The current version is 0.2.7-1. When you see a newer version, just click on "amd64" under "Architecture" and then you can either click on one of the mirrors to download the file or copy the link and paste it into the terminal to use the wget command to use the same method as above. Just make sure to use the correct filename with the apt command so that you don't install the wrong file (like an older downloaded version).

Finally, there is some additional information on the Archlinux wiki that you may want to check out where they mention that you might have to install xdg-desktop-portal and enable the chromium flag chrome://flags/#enable-webrtc-pipewire-capturer to get it to work.