Ubuntu – Running clamtk on 12.04 with kernel-update of today crashes the system


I am performing clamtk – virusscan as usual (at a friends computer with 12.04 – updated today):

sudo clamtk

Then normal scanning of all files. When reaching certain file, it crashes with logout to gdm-login-window.

Should I use clamtk-frontend only as normal user?

As a normal user the same happens again – after scanning first 99 files of whole file-system.

When one time click on gdm-user then it crashes again, then back to gdm.

Again click on gdm-user and login works.

from Terminal with command clamtk
it is running a bit longer – but still crashes and logout at once
into gdm ???

I found for to report crash:


which is not installed by default (contrary to earlier Ubuntu-Versions).

made then:

apt-get install --reinstall clamtk


apt-get install --reinstall gdm

now I make reboot (am back soon … )

no change … still crashes. then I tried

apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg

(suiting packages to installation)

but it is refused because of too many collisions ???
(on different machines was these packages to reinstall no problem ?)

Best Answer

Yes, you should typically run clamtk as a regular user. Also, if the problem is not fixed by the linux-headers-generic answer above, please run clamtk from the commandline (just type


and post back any errors or messages upon the crash.