Ubuntu – Run pkill without sudo permission

14.04bashcommand linepermissions

I want to run pkill like below.

sudo pkill -u 11002

I cannot give sudo password multiple times, so I want to run pkill without sudo user. For this i copied pkill to home as named bkill, and then i have run the following command.

sudo setcap "cap_kill+epi" /home/rajesh/bkill

This will give kill capabilities to this binary. But whenever i run i am getting following message.

 /home/rajesh/bkill  -u 11002
result: 31270

I check running processes of that user using below command.

ps -u 11002

340 pts/26   00:00:00 ncserver

This is showing process pid 340 is still running. I assumed cap_kill is not working.

So I tried a different approach.
I have given sudo access using below commands.

sudo chown root /home/rajesh/bkill
sudo chmod u+s /home/rajesh/bkill

Even this way also not working.

Can anybody help me to resolve this??

Best Answer

Why don't you just give yourself permission to run pkill without a password:

sudo visudo


rajesh ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pkill

You'll still need to sudo pkill, but you won't have to type a password.