Ubuntu – Run executable file on terminal

bashcommand line

I'm new to Ubuntu and currently on it because of assignment. I would like to ask few questions:

  1. How do I make new command to run a shell script?
    For example, when you type passwd on terminal it runs the executable file on /usr/bin/passwd.
    How do I make it the same like my file?

  2. How do I change my shell script into a executable file like the passwd?

Best Answer

Your script should look like:



Save it in a file, let say password.sh or simple password, then make it executable using next commands in terminal:

cd /path/to/password.sh  #or cd /path/to/password
chmod +x password.sh     #or chmod +x password

To run it from terminal, just use the following command:

./password.sh            #or ./password


/path/to/password.sh     #or /path/to/password

To run it only using:

password.sh              #or password

you must to add the path of the script to the PATH. See How to add a directory to the PATH? in this sense.