SSH – Run a Nohup Command Over SSH and Then Disconnect


I want to execute a script, on a remote server which runs this:

nohup node server.js &

Naively, I call SSH like this:

ssh myserver <<EOF
./ &

This starts the script, but leaves the session connected. I want to follow this step with other commands in a script, so that's no good.

How can I SSH to the remote machine, launch a nohup command into the background, then disconnect? I suppose I could put the SSH process itself into the background, but that doesn't seem right.

Best Answer

You have already found the right way, here document.

NOTE: you can put the ssh (client) into background by placing a & at the end, but you will not see the output. If you really want to do this, redirect the stdout/stderr to a file in case you need to check the response from the remote host.

Basically you can do it in either way:

Directly run the command{,s}

ssh user@host "nohup command1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &; nohup command2; command3"


ssh user@host "$(nohup command1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &) && nohup command2 >> /path/to/log 2>&1 &"

NOTE: && requires the first command to return 0 before executing the second

Use Here document

ssh user@host << EOF
nohup command1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
nohup command2 >> /path/to/command2.log 2>&1 &

The above 3 options should work for you.

In addition, take a look at the answer here:

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