Ubuntu – Rsyncing /home between 10.04 and 11.04


My co-worker has an old laptop with Ubuntu 10.04 installed on it. About a week ago I backed up her /home directory using rsync, and kept it on an external HD.
Now, she got a new laptop with Ubuntu 11.04.

I am still pretty new to the Ubuntu file system, so my question is this: Can I just rsync an Ubuntu 10.04 /home backup onto an Ubuntu 11.04 machine? Are there any directories I should not copy from the backup?

Best Answer

There are a great many differences between how Gnome is configured in 10.04 and how it's configured in 11.04. While you might loose some settings from the 10.04 desktop I would strongly recommend leaving the .gconf, .gnome, .gnome2, .gnome2_private, .gconf, .gconfd, .config, and .conf folders behind. Moving these over from 10.04 to 11.04 have a high potential for corrupting the desktop. I would also recommend making a tar'd backup of the /home folder prior to any moves.

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