Ubuntu – Rsync issue: some files/attrs were not transferred


(I turn the whole internet upside down for the past 20 hours, none of the similar threads helped)

This is between two debian(from) and purchase iptv ubuntu(to) servers moving files from one machine to a remote machine.

Yesterday I tried to move over 1.5 TB folder from my old server to a new one. I was advised to use rsync command. I ran the command like this.

sudo rsync -zvh -e ssh —progress /my/old/server/from/ root@

First time it was going just fine and after a minute I accidentally stopped the process by ctrl+c . Now whenever I execute the command again, it doesnt work and tells me:

rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1196) [sender=3.1.2]

Best Answer

Log the output to a file (using even more -v's to be even more verbose) and then grep for "rsync:". That should show you the exact files rsync is having trouble with.

Example of how to log:

sudo rsync -zvvvvh -e ssh —progress /my/old/server/from/ root@ >&! /tmp/logfile.txt

The above works in tcsh. If you're using bash, I think you need 1> /tmp/logout.txt 2> /tmp/logerr.txt to redirect the output, but I'm not 100% sure.

You can also use |& tee /tmp/logfile.txt if you want to watch the output as it's generated. You may want to do this just to see if rsync is being too verbose, and cut down the number of -vs until you're happy with the output.

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