Ubuntu – “Root file system not defined. Please correct this from partitioning menu” Ubuntu 14.04 installation problem in pre-installed win 8 laptop


I am not exactly new to Linux, but I am facing problems trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on my Dell Inspiron 14z pre-installed Windows 8 with Secure Boot nand UEFI mode. **I have followed all the prescribed steps of your post regarding Ubuntu installation one of this forum's post Installing Ubuntu Alongside a Pre-Installed Windows with UEFI **.
I am able to boot to LiveUSB mode via UEFI mode. But when going through the installation process, partitions don't appear at all on the 4th slide of the install process. So I just press "Install" just to see what happens. There is a pop-up window which says "No root file system defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu."
I have created three partitions on Windows 8 of which one is entirely free(100 GB) and formatted and ready to be installed on.
Please help me resolve this issue.
Thanks and cheers

Best Answer

The solution is:

  • create an ext4 partition (huge space)
  • select mounting point (/) and set as primary drive
  • create a swap partition
  • and set it as logical
  • create bios reserved partition

    ...and it's running... :)