Ubuntu – Ripping DVD movie to near lossless video and audio quality

dvdmkvvideo conversion

In the past I've been backing up my DVDs films as an .iso image to ensure that I have the best possible quality and that I could at a later date encode a movie/show to any format I want.

However, as my DVD collection is continuing to expand I'm running out of disk space, fast. I am now entertaining the idea of encoding my DVD collection to a high quality video files, rather than keeping them as disc images.

I'm looking for a guide that would allow me to retain the best possible video and sound quality, without resorting keeping a disc image. As I'm an open source nut, I would, ideally, like to use an open source codec such as Theora. Also, an open source container (mkv?). I'm not too savvy on audio options.

I'm aware that some devices will have problems reading Theora/mkv. However, the idea is to create a high quality video file that can be converted to any type that is desired.

So to sum up:

  • Best quality audio and video, without resorting to .iso uncompressed
  • Application to use?
  • Container?
  • Codec?
  • Audio encoder?

Best Answer

If applicable, decrypt the dvd.

Then concatenate the .vob files that make up the part of the dvd you wish to convert (they will be split into 1gb files for compatibility)

cat VTS_xx_xx.VOB VTS_xx_xx.VOB ... > intermediate.VOB

Then, use ffmpeg to convert the file to mkv with no loss of quality

ffmpeg -i intermediate.VOB -q 0 output.mkv

That's it. You're done.

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