Ubuntu – Right click to paste in terminal

15.10command line

At work I'm using putty to connect to a lot of Red Hat / CentOS machines and I love the fact that selecting a text means copy and right click means paste.

Can I set Ubuntu's default terminal to do the same?

Edit: Thanks for the answers, but they are not exactly what I am looking for. While both are valid, I was actually looking for a way to use the functionality without using another terminal. So everything should work via the default gnome terminal.

I am not sure it's possible, but I'll try my luck and start a bounty on this…

Edit: Thank you guys for your answers and sorry for the late reply but I was out over the week-end. I'll check the "selection/middle mouse button" solution tonight and come back to you.

The patch solution sounds also promising.

Best Answer

In gnome-terminal (and in Ubuntu in general) select text means "copy" (or "X selection" if you want to get technical, which is different from "clipboard copy"), which can be pasted via middle mouse click.