Ubuntu – rfkill list all – It’s showing me only bluetooth and nothing about wireless. ,wifi not working, ubuntu 16.04


I'm new here. I'm sorry when I make a mistake. I have just installed UBUNTU 16.04 LTS/

I have problem with Wifi.

I can't enable wifi in my laptop. I have lenovo G50-70.


enp1s0    no wireless extensions.    
lo        no wireless extensions.

The output for sudo lshw -C network is:


network-manager is already the newest version (1.2.6-0ubuntu0.16.04.2).

It's showing me only bluetooth and nothing about wireless.
rfkill list all:

1: hci0: Bluetooth
    Soft blocked: no
    Hard blocked: no

I have Windows 8.1 on this computer too and wifi is working properly.

lspci -knn | grep Net -A3; rfkill list

libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-config.c:635 kmod_config_parse: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ideapad.conf line 2: ignoring bad line starting with '“blacklist'
02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev 01)
    Subsystem: Lenovo BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [17aa:0621]
    Kernel modules: wl
0: hci0: Bluetooth
    Soft blocked: no
    Hard blocked: no

sudo modprobe wl:

modprobe: FATAL: Module wl not found in directory /lib/modules/4.13.0-39-generic

Best Answer

In your readings, we saw a malformed and possibly un-needed .conf file and suggested that you remove it.

sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ideapad.conf 

Next, we found that the needed module was not installed in your currently running kernel and suggested that you re-install it.

sudo apt install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source

Finally, we found that Secure Boot was preventing the loading of the module and suggested that it be disabled in the BIOS.

With these changes, your wireless is working.