Ubuntu – Restart instead of shutdown after suspend


I am running Ubuntu 14.04 on my Lenovo Thinkpad T530. I noticed that if I suspend the laptop at some point, the next shutdown will instead cause a restart.

It seems that I am not alone with this (and many other questions), and I tried most solutions I could find, but nothing worked.

So far the best (or only) working solution was to boot with acpi=noirq. This fixes the issue, but then suspending the laptop doesn't lock it. There may be other side-effects which I haven't found as I don't understand the implications of this kernel parameter.

What does acpi=noirq do, exactly? How can I lock the computer on suspend? Is there another solution?

Things I have tried:

  • sudo ethtool -s eth0 wtol d (no effect)
  • sudo apt-get install laptop-mode-tools (doesn't shut down correctly anymore at all)
  • Deactivating "Wake On LAN" in my BIOS (no effect)
  • Try to shut down with sudo shutdown now and similar (no effect)

Best Answer

You can try this instead it near common to all Linux

sudo init 1 (restart)

sudo init 0 (shutdown)

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