Ubuntu – Remove both unity and gnome


TL;DR: Can I remove completely unity and gnome3 but keep compiz?

Long Version:

I really gave a go both to unity and to gnome3. I really did. I just can't bear them.
I need something that I can rely on for a long while.
I decided to do away with desktop managers; I want to build my own desktop environment with independent parts.

My requirements:

  1. My workflow is very dependent on compiz; I don't care about the effects, but I use a lot of it's key bindings to move/resize/manage windows, as well as workspaces, and I could not find another window manager that has everything I need. So the window manager has to be compiz, unless you know another WM with the same flexibility. Alternatively, I can use xMonad, but I like it less.
  2. I need something that can replace applets, in order to be able to connect to network, control sound, hold pidgin indicator, etc. Some sort of light-weight dock maybe? If it can use my icons and my theme by default, it would be great (instead of trying to replicate the theme).
  3. Desktop management would be nice as I often drag-drop stuff from and on it temporarily. But it's not mandatory(Is there an independent app for that?).

My questions:

  1. How would I go about completely remove unity and gnome and keep compiz? Can I safely just apt-get remove them?
  2. Is there anything I should know? The purpose is to build a rock-solid desktop; it should not end up being even less stable than the defaults (I am thinking in particular of nm-applet, which always worked perfectly for me, contrary to other network managers).


  • I could use fallback session, or install gnome2, XFCE or LMDE or similar, but I really just want to do away with the whole monolithic window manager + shell paradigm. I want flexible, loosely coupled parts.
  • I know about cinnamon and mate, and I really admire the work that Mint is doing (some sanity, finally), but I really would rather have a light-weight dock that only launches stuff (as opposed to taking care of a lot of other things).

Best Answer

You can create a standalone compiz session with gnome3-gnome-panel+metacity, unity 2d launcher, awn wing-panel(with all applets), docky, synypse, cairo-dock,slingshot or combination of these.Have a look on following screenshots:


Awn-Wingpanel Edgebuntu Desktop

Milky-Moorhen (DE) Milky-Moorhen (DE)

Cairo-dock Cairo-Dock Session

Unity Gnome-shell fusion Unity Gnome-shell fusion

In above screenshots you can replace unity-launcher with docky or awn or cairo-dock.

To setup custom sssion with compiz check out this article:


For Awn-Wingpanel checkout this video:


For Ciaro-dock 2.4 with custom gnome-session follow this article:


You can get additional help from these articles:

[HOWTO] Configure Unity 2D to Simulate Unity 3D

How to enable compiz in gnome-classic mode

Fix gnome-panel in gnome fallback session

Run AWN / Dock in Natty Narwhal(generally for gnome2)

Notes: There are many bugs in 11.10, which makes using custom session a painful experience(such as this bug: #bug 826771).I will update the post with important GDM & compiz fix.

Updates: Bug 826771 has been fixed in nautilus - 1:3.2.1-0ubuntu4.2 (ubuntu 12.04) for gnome-session.But there are other bugs (specially gdm bugs) still present in Ubuntu 12.04.