Remote Desktop – Connect to Raring Ringtail from Windows 8

13.04remote desktopsoftware-recommendationvncwindows 8

I have an Ubuntu(13.04) computer on my home network and frequently want to access it remotely from my Windows 8 PC (Like an RDP session on 2 Windows PCs). I have found a few solutions, but many are for older versions of Ubuntu and/or Windows.

I was looking in to using a VNC client on my Windows machine, but did not find any with good reviews that seemed up-to-date.

If anyone can suggest a Windows VNC client, an Ubuntu RDP server, or another method of connecting to my Ubuntu machine, I would really appreciate it.


Best Answer

For desktop sharing in Ubuntu to work you can install xrdp to allow connection from Windows 8 Remote Desktop. To install xrdp in Ubuntu, just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command(s) below:

sudo apt-get install xrdp

Note:you can run below command to disable this service when done

sudo service xrdp stop

Also you can try VNC SERVER

Another way of doing it, is using Desktop Sharing. Just type desktop in dash, and click on it.

enter image description here

enter image description here

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